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ACOPOS ³ö´í´úÂë±í

4007: ¸úËæÎó²î³¬ÏÞÍ£Ö¹Lag error stop limit exceeded
Info(REAL): Current lag error
4008: ÕýÏÞλ¿ª¹Øµ½´ïPositive limit switch reached
4009: ¸ºÏÞλ¿ª¹Øµ½´ïNegative limit switch reached
4010: ʹÄÜ¿ØÖÆÆ÷ÎÞЧ£ºÁ½ÏÞλ¹Ø±ÕSwitch controller on not possible: Both limit switches are closed
4011: ¹Ø±Õ¿ØÖÆÆ÷ÎÞЧ£ºÔ˶¯¼¤»îSwitch controller off not possible: Movement active
4012: ʹÄÜ¿ØÖÆÆ÷ÎÞЧ£º³õʼ²ÎÊý¶ªÊ§»òÎÞЧ
Switch controller on not possible: Initial parameter missing or not valid
Info('PARID'): Parameter ID
4014: Ë«±àÂëÆ÷¿ØÖÆ£ºÎ»ÖÃÆ«²î³¬ÏÞÍ£Ö¹Two encoder control: Stop limit of positions difference exceeded
Info(REAL): Current positions difference
5001: Ä¿±êλÖôóÓÚÕýÏòÈíÏÞλTarget position > positive SW limit
5002: Ä¿±êλÖÃСÓÚ¸ºÏòÈíÏÞλTarget position < negative SW limit
5003: ÕýÏòÈíÏÞλµ½´ïPositive SW limit reached
5004: ¸ºÏòÈíÏÞλµ½´ïNegative SW limit reached
5005: Ô˶¯Æô¶¯²»¿ÉÄÜ£ºÎ»ÖÿØÖÆÆ÷δ¼¤»îStart of movement not possible: Position controller inactive
5006: Ô˶¯Æô¶¯²»¿ÉÄÜ£ºÖáδѰ²Î¿¼Î»ÖÃStart of movement not possible: Axis not referenced
5010: ÕýÏòλÖÃÔ˶¯²»¿ÉÄÜ£ºÕýÏòÏÞλ¿ª¹Ø¹Ø±Õ
Move in pos. direction not possible: Pos. limit switch is closed
5011: ¸ºÏòλÖÃÔ˶¯²»¿ÉÄÜ£º¸ºÏòÏÞλ¿ª¹Ø¹Ø±Õ
Move in neg. direction not possible: Neg. limit switch is closed
5012: Ô˶¯Æô¶¯²»¿ÉÄÜ£ºÍ£Ö¹¼¤»îStart of movement not possible: Stop ramp active
5013: ´ò¿ªÑ­»·Éèֵģʽ²»¿ÉÄÜ£ºÔ˶¯¼¤»î
Switching on cyclic set value mode is not possible: Movement active
5014: ¹Ø±ÕÑ­»·Éèֵģʽ²»¿ÉÄÜSwitching off cyclic set value mode is not possible
5015: Ô˶¯Æô¶¯²»¿ÉÄÜ£ºÕýÔÚÑ°²Î Start of movement not possible: Homing procedure active
5016: д²ÎÊý²»ÔÊÐí£ºÕýÔÚÑ°²Î Write parameter not allowed: Homing procedure active
5017: Ñ°²Î²½Öèģʽ²»¿ÉÄÜ£ºÎ»ÖÿØÖÆÆ÷δ¼¤»î
Homing procedure mode not possible: Position controller inactive
5018: Ñ°²Î²½Öèģʽ²»¿ÉÄÜ£ºÔ˶¯¼¤»î Homing procedure not possible: Movement active
5019: Ñ°²Î²ÎÊý³¬³öÓÐЧֵ Homing parameter outside the valid range
Info('PARID'): Parameter ID
5020: Ñ°²Î²½Öè²»¿ÉÄÜ£»Á½¸öÏÞλ¿ª¹Ø¹Ø±Õ Homing procedure not possible: Both limit switches are closed
5021: ÏÞλ¿ª¹Ø¹Ø±Õ£»ÎÞ·½Ïò¸Ä±äÓÃÓÚÑ°²Î Limit switch closed: No direction change for this homing mode
5022: µÚ¶þ¸öÏÞλ¿ª¹ØÐźÅÊÕµ½£º²Î¿¼¿ª¹ØÐźÅδ·¢ÏÖ Second limit switch signal received: Reference switch not found
5023: ¶ÔÓÚµ±Ç°Ô˶¯·½ÏòÊÕµ½²»ÕýÈ·µÄÏÞλ¿ª¹ØÐźŠIncorrect limit switch signal received for current movement direction
5024: Ñ­»·ÉèÖÃÊý¾Ýģʽ·ÅÆú£ºÉ趨λÖöªÊ§ Cyclic set value mode aborted: Set positions missing
5025: ÉèÖòο¼µãλÖÃÆ«²îÓÃÓÚÐÞÕý¼ÆÊý·¶Î§²»¿ÉÄÜ Set homing offset with correction of counting range not possible
5026: »ù±¾Ô˶¯²ÎÊý³¬¹ýËÙ¶ÈÏÞÖÆ Basis movement parameter (with override) exceed speed limit value
5027: »ù±¾Ô˶¯²ÎÊý³¬¹ý¼ÓËÙ¶ÈÏÞÖÆ Basis movement parameter (with override) exceed acceleration limit value
5028: µ±Ç°Ô˶¯²»ÊÇ»ù±¾Ô˶¯ Current movement is no basis movement
5029: ´¥·¢ºöÂÔ-±£³ÖλÖó¬¹ýÈíÏÞλ Trigger ignored - remaining distance exceeds SW limit
5030: Ñ°²Î²½Öèģʽ²»¿ÉÄÜ£ºÎ»ÖÿØÖÆÆ÷¼¤»î Homing procedure mode not possible: Position controller active
5031: Ñ°²Î²½Öèģʽ²»¿ÉÄÜ£ºÑ­»·Éèֵģʽ¹Ø±Õ Homing procedure mode not possible: Cyclic set values mode is off
5101: ͹ÂÖÇúÏß²¹³¥£º³¬³ö½çÏÞÖµ Cam profile compensation gears: Limit values exceeded
5102: ¹ý¶àµÄ±ä»¯ÔÚÿ¸ö͹ÂÖÇúÏߣ¨Ö÷ÖÜÆÚ¹ý¶Ì£© Too many changes of cam profile per cycle (master period too short)
5103: ´Ó´¥·¢ÏȽøÏȳöÂú Slave trigger FIFO full
5104: ´Ó´¥·¢ÏȽøÏȳö¿Õ Slave trigger FIFO empty
5105: Ö÷´¥·¢ÏȽøÏȳöÂú Master trigger FIFO full
5106: Ö÷´¥·¢ÏȽøÏȳö¿Õ Master trigger FIFO empty
5107: Æô¶¯Í¹ÂÖÇúÏßÁ¬½Ó²»¿ÉÄÜ£º²ÎÊý³¬³öÓÐЧֵ Start cam profile linkage not possible: Parameter outside the valid range

Info('PARID'): Parameter ID
5108: Ö÷²¹³¥´¥·¢ÏȽøÏȳöÂú Master compensation trigger FIFO full
5109: Ö÷²¹³¥´¥·¢ÏȽøÏȳö¿Õ Master compensation trigger FIFO empty
5110: ͹ÂÖÇúÏßÁ¬½Ó·ÅÆú£ºÑ­»·É趨λÖöªÊ§ Cam profile linkage aborted: Cyclic set positions missing
5111: ͹ÂÖÇúÏßÁ¬½Ó·ÅÆú£º±àÂëÆ÷´íÎó Cam profile linkage aborted: Encoder error
5112: ÃüÁî²»ÔÊÐí£ºÍ¹ÂÖÇúÏßÁ¬½Óδ¼¤»î Command not allowed: Cam profile linkage not active
5113: ÃüÁî²»ÔÊÐí£º¿ØÖÆÆ÷ÈÔ¼¤»î Command not allowed: Controller is still active
5114: д²ÎÊý²»ÔÊÐí£ºÍ¹ÂÖÇúÏßÁ¬½Ó¼¤»î Write parameter not allowed: Cam profile linkage active
5115: ÖØÆôÃüÁî²»¿ÉÄÜ£ºÍ¹ÂÖʱÐòÒÔÇ°´Óδ¼¤»î Restart command not possible: The cam automat was never active before
5201: д²ÎÊý²»ÔÊÐí£º¹ÄÐòÁ줻î Write parameter not allowed: Drumsequencer active
5202: ¹ÄÐòÁз¢ÉúÆ÷£ºÎ»Öò»ÔÚÉÏÉý˳Ðò Drumsequencer: Switch positions not in ascending order
5300: Êý¾Ý¿éÉÏÔØÎÞЧ£º Data block for upload is not available
5302: д²ÎÊý²»ÔÊÐí£ºÍ¹ÂÖʱÐò¼¤»î Write parameter not allowed: Cam automat active
5303: ͹ÂÖÇúÏßδÌṩË÷Òý Cam profile data not available at index
5304: ¸ñʽ´íÎóÔÚ͹ÂÖÇúÏßÊý¾Ý Format error in cam profile data

Info(UINT): Detail
5306: ²¹³¥£ºÈë¿ÚËٶȳ¬ÏÞ Compensation gears: Speed for entrance exceeds limit value
5307: ²¹³¥£ºÁ¬½ÓËٶȳ¬ÏÞ Compensation gears: Speed for connection exceeds limit value
5308: ²¹³¥£º×î´óÅÀƳ¬³ö Compensation gears: Maximum jolt exceeded
5311: ͹ÂÖʱÐò£ºÊ¼þÖ¸Ïòδ³õʼ»¯×´Ì¬ Cam automat: Event leads to non initialized state
5312: ½öʼþÀàÐÍncTRIGGER1/2 ÄܽøÈëncLATCHPOS ²¹³¥
Only event type ncTRIGGER1/2 possible for entry in ncLATCHPOS compensation

5315: ÏÂÔØ´íÎó£ºÍ¹ÂÖÇúÏßÊý¾Ý±»Í¹ÂÖʱÐòʹÓà Download error: Cam profile data in use by cam automat
5316: ʼþÀàÐÍncST_END+ncNEGATIVE ²»ÄܽøÈë²¹³¥
Event type ncST_END+ncNEGATIVE is not possible for entry in compensation gears
5317: Æô¶¯Í¹ÂÖʱÐòÖ¸Ïòδ³õʼ״̬ Start of cam automat leads to non initialized state
5318: Ö÷ÖáÏà¶ÔλÖøßÓÚ͹ÂÖÇúÏßÖÜÆÚ Relative distance of master axis higher than cam profile period
5319: ͹ÂÖÇúÏßÊý¾Ý²»ÄÜÓÃÓÚ״̬0 Cam profile data not allowed for state 0

×¢Ò⣺¸ù¾ÝACP10 SW °æ±¾²»Í¬£¬ÒÔÉÏACOPOS ³ö´í´úÂë±í»áÓÐËù²»Í¬£¬¾ßÌåÐÅÏ¢Çë²éÔÄAS ÔÚÏß°ïÖú¡£

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